
Initial 在线博彩 给 Day numbers showcase strong philanthropic support

Initial 在线博彩 给 Day numbers showcase strong philanthropic support

Among the success stories of this year’s 给 Day was the Spirit of San Antonio, which met their funding challenge for new uniforms.

2024年4月15日 1,周二969分钟, 4月9日, 和周三, 4月10日, Roadrunners near 和 far gathered for the fourth annual 在线博彩 给 Day. 虽然数字仍在最后确定, preliminary results demonstrate that 在线博彩 supporters, 再一次, delivered impressive results with more than 2,共计504美元的礼物,705年提出.

学生的贡献, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 父母, 和 the broader community supported over 60 initiatives throughout the university, 包括学术学院和学校, 学生活动, 运动项目, 在线博彩图书馆和博物馆, 路跑者食品储藏室, 学生奖学金和捐赠基金.

年复一年, our community shows incredible generosity on 在线博彩 给 Day, 支持学生, 项目, scholarships 和 more — 和 this year is no exception,在线博彩主席说 泰勒Eighmy. “I deeply appreciate the continuous support from 教师, 工作人员, 学生, 校友 和 community members who believe in our mission so greatly that they continue to contribute to the university’s growth 和 impact. Together, we are advancing the success of both our university 和 our incredible 学生.”

“在线博彩 给 Day turns donating into an engaging 和 spirited event, which was evident in the lively competition showcased across our excellent campus organizations.”

在32小时的战役中, a series of challenges 和 matching gifts amplified the impact of each individual donation. 值得注意的是, 玛吉 比尔克莱西 挑战, designed to inspire broader program support for the 玛吉 和 比尔克莱西 College of Engineering 和 Integrated Design (KCEID), 超过了25美元,000马克解锁额外的25美元,克莱西斯家送的一万英镑礼物. This strategic challenge both encouraged giving 和 magnified the donors' impact, enhancing the college’s capacity for innovation 和 growth.

The Spirit of San Antonio (SOSA) also met this year’s challenge for new uniforms. 捐款总额超过10美元,000 were received to support the b和’s updated attire, 导致20美元的发行,000元捐款 克里斯 莎拉群 85年和2万美元 大卫 詹妮弗•斯宾塞 ’93. SOSA also led the entire campaign in donors with 365, earning the top prize of $5,000.

The overall winner of the leaderboard challenge for dollars raised was 在线博彩 体育运动, 筹集了超过64美元,275名捐赠者中有800人, 这让他们多赚了5美元,000. Drs. 约翰 理查森简·帕克特 为这一挑战提供资金. The Fostering Futures Program earned an additional $1,000 for taking top spots for the student program with the most donors 和 most dollars raised.

超过3美元,000 was awarded to student 项目 thanks to a special challenge by Ancira Auto Group 和 4月Ancira ‘03. Magnets were hidden around campus with various dollar amounts 和 the 学生 who found them could donate to a program of their choosing. 贝尔福, the official purveyor of the 在线博彩 Ring program, matched gifts for a new Ring Statue that will be constructed on campus.

捐款从1美元到6美元不等,000 on the 在线博彩捐赠日网站 also played a key role in the campaign's success.

⇒ Complete details of the outcomes, along with the challenges 和 their donors, can be found on the 在线博彩捐赠日网站.
⇒ 错过了? 捐款仍可 网上  来计算2024年的总人数.

主办第四届在线博彩捐赠日, the Roadrunner community joined a successful trend in higher education to celebrate philanthropy 和 focus giving over a limited number of days. The project is led by the 在线博彩 Annual 给 team working with colleagues in the 在线博彩 Division of Advancement 和 校友 Engagement 和 others across the university.

在线博彩 给 Day turns donating into an engaging 和 spirited event, which was evident in the lively competition showcased across our excellent campus organizations,” 卡尔Miller-Lugo, 在线博彩 Vice President for Advancement 和 校友 Engagement. “While final numbers are still being counted, the preliminary results promise that this year’s event will have a tremendous impact for 学生 和 项目 across our campuses. My sincere gratitude goes out to all who have generously invested in ‘building the nest’, nurturing our university 和 beloved San Antonio community.”


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University of Texas at San Antonio receives ‘transformational’ $40M gift


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在线赌博平台, a 西班牙裔服务机构 situated in a global city that has been a crossroads of peoples 和 cultures for centuries, values diversity 和 inclusion in all aspects of university life. As an institution expressly founded to advance the education of Mexican Americans 和 other underserved communities, our university is committed to promoting access for all. 在线博彩, 一所一流的公立研究型大学, fosters academic 卓越 through a community of dialogue, discovery 和 innovation that embraces the uniqueness of each voice.